Everyone loves a good New Year’s Eve party. Gone may be the days of spending your December 31st out on the town with friends, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still host a fun-filled evening. If you’re planning on spending New Year’s Eve as a family this year, we can ensure that it’s one both you and your little ones won’t forget. 

Welcome the New Year on a full stomach by treating your family to a buffet laced with homemade, festive baked goods. At Piglets Pantry, we’re passionate about creating delicious food, sure to attract compliments at any occasion, no matter how big or small. From our Winter Sparkle Rocky Road Dessert Wreath, to our selection of stunning Winter Sparkle Mini Loaf Cakes, we’ve got everything you need to ensure your New Year’s Eve is packed full of unforgettable family fun and a lot of festive food. 

New Years Eve Ideas For Families at Home 

Trying to keep the kids entertained until midnight might seem like a daunting task, however, there are so many fun activities you can do to keep everyone wishing the night would never end. 

New Year’s Eve Bingo 

An easy New Year’s Eve party game for the whole family, a festive-themed game of bingo is easy to create and doesn’t require any fancy materials. Simply print out as many New Year’s themed bingo board templates as you need (there are so many online to choose from!) and pass them out to everyone. Give each participant a collection of counters. If you don’t have those, you could use pennies or bottle tops, anything small and round will do. 

Choose a bingo caller and have them hold up one image at a time, these are usually things like party hats and fireworks – all things New Year’s themed! 

When a player completes their board, have them shout ‘Happy New Year!’ Reward the winner with something sweet, swap your boards and play again. 

Looking for the perfect prize for your New Year’s Eve party game pros? Our Winter Sparkle Black Forest Cupcakes are the perfect reward for big and little party game winners alike.  If you would like to find out more about any of the delicious handmade sweet treats featured in our Winter Sparkle Range, please get in touch. Call us on 01903 215 064 and speak to one of our helpful advisors today. 

Pin the Tail on the Snowman

A festive take on the classic game of ‘pin the tail on the donkey’, this much loved party game never fails to entertain. 

All you have to do is print out a snowman (or draw one if you’re blessed with artistic flair!), cut out his carrot nose, get your hands on a blindfold (that sleep mask you got for Christmas will do!) and get pinning. 

Two Resolutions and a Lie 

When the kids have passed out on the sofa after a well-deserved sugar rush, it’s now down to the adults to keep themselves entertained until the clock strikes midnight. 

Two Resolutions and a Lie is a great New Year’s Eve party game for large families who want to make the most of some quality time spent together. Each guest will come up with three New Year’s resolutions, two of which are true and one which is false. It is then up to the rest of the group to determine which two are true and which is a lie. To liven up the party even more, keep track of your guesses and award a prize to the person who gets the most correct. 

At Piglets Pantry, we’re passionate about helping you bring smiles to the faces of those you love this festive season. That’s why we’ve created a stunning range of festive themed sweet and savoury goodies, sure to please the whole family this New Year’s Eve. With so much on offer, from our Winter Sparkle Friends & Family Hamper to our mouthwatering Grazing Hamper, you really are spoilt for choice!

New Year’s Wish

Right, it’s five minutes to midnight, you’ve woken up the kids to reign in the New Year and it’s finally time to make your wish. 

Give everyone in the house a pen and paper and ask them to write down one resolution for the year ahead. Fold the paper and place it into a balloon. Blow up the balloon and tie it with a ribbon. As the clock strikes twelve, encourage everyone to take their balloon in the garden and release them, sending their New Year’s wish out into the universe. 

You Provide the Setting, We’ll Provide the Sparkle

Have our  New Year’s Eve party games for families left you feeling inspired? If so, why not give them a go yourself? 

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help make sure this New Year’s Eve is the best one yet, please get in touch. Give us a call on 01903 215 064 and speak to one of our friendly team members today.